Java Persistence with MyBatis 3

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Storing and retrieving data to and from relational databases is a very common requirement, and is a crucial part of many applications. Even though Java provides a JDBC API for database access, it is not very effective and involves writing the boilerplate code again and again. Getting data out of a database, populating into Java objects, and persisting data from Java objects into a database using JDBC involves a lot of repetitive coding and is a very tedious process. MyBatis takes the simplest approach of leveraging the existing knowledge and power of Java and SQL yet provides powerful features to make data persistence implementation easy.

Java Persistence with MyBatis 3 is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear step-by-step exercises, which will help you to understand how MyBatis works and how to use it for your real application needs. With MyBatis, you will learn how to use the MyBatis framework effectively through simple instructions. Java Persistence with MyBatis 3 will highlight the cumbersome process of data persistence using plain JDBC and will also show you how easy it is to implement the same using MyBatis. You will also take a deeper look into the implementation of MyBatis with XML and Annotation-based Mappers, and finally learn how to integrate MyBatis with a Spring framework. You will learn how to map Complex SQL query results to Java beans using XML and Annotation-based Mappers, including One-To-Many and Many-To-Many relationships. You will also learn how to use TypeAliases and Custom Type Handlers, and build dynamic queries using XML and SqlProvider annotations. It progresses to detailed instructions on integrating MyBatis with Spring and leveraging Spring’s Annotation-based transaction handling mechanism, which further simplifies the usage of MyBatis.

With Java Persistence with MyBatis 3, you will learn how to use the MyBatis framework effectively through simple instructions.


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