Rails 4 in Action



About the book

Rails is a full-stack, open source web framework powered by Ruby. Now in version 4, Rails is mature and powerful, and to use it effectively you need more than a few Google searches. You’ll find no substitute for the guru’s-eye-view of design, testing, deployment, and other real-world concerns that this book provides.

Rails 4 in Action is a hands-on guide to the subject. In this fully revised new edition, you’ll master Rails 4 by developing a ticket-tracking application that includes RESTful routing, authentication and authorization, file uploads, email, and more. Learn to design your own APIs and successfully deploy a production-quality application. You’ll see test-driven development and behavior-driven development in action throughout the book, just like in a top Rails shop.

What’s inside

  • Creating your own APIs
  • Using RSpec and Capybara
  • Emphasis on test-first development
  • Fully updated for Rails 4

About the reader

For readers of this book, a background in Ruby is helpful but not required. No Rails experience is assumed.

About the authors

Ryan Bigg, Yehuda Katz, Steve Klabnik, and Rebecca Skinner are contributors to Rails and active members of the Rails community.


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