Amazon Web Services in Action



About the technology

Physical data centers require lots of equipment and take time and resources to manage. If you need a data center, but don’t want to build your own, Amazon Web Services may be your solution. Whether you’re analyzing real-time data, building software as a service, or running an e-commerce site, AWS offers you a reliable cloud-based platform with services that scale.

About the book

Amazon Web Services in Action introduces you to computing, storing, and networking in the AWS cloud. You’ll start with an overview of cloud computing and then begin setting up your account. You’ll learn how to automate your infrastructure by programmatically calling the AWS API to control every part of AWS. Next, you’ll learn options and techniques for storing your data. You’ll also learn how to isolate your systems using private networks to increase security. Finally, this book teaches you how to design for high availability and fault tolerance.

What’s inside

  • Overview of cloud concepts and patterns
  • Deploy applications on AWS
  • Integrate Amazon’s pre-built services
  • Manage servers on EC2 for cost-effectiveness

About the reader

Written for developers and DevOps engineers moving distributed applications to the AWS platform.

About the authors

Andreas Wittig and Michael Wittig are software engineers and consultants focused on AWS and web development.


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