SELinux System Administration, 2nd Edition



Book Description

Do you have the crucial job of protecting your private and company systems from malicious attacks and undefined application behavior? Are you looking to secure your Linux systems with improved access controls? Look no further, intrepid administrator! This book will show you how to enhance your system’s secure state across Linux distributions, helping you keep application vulnerabilities at bay.

This book covers the core SELinux concepts and shows you how to leverage SELinux to improve the protection measures of a Linux system. You will learn the SELinux fundamentals and all of SELinux’s configuration handles including conditional policies, constraints, policy types, and audit capabilities. These topics are paired with genuine examples of situations and issues you may come across as an administrator. In addition, you will learn how to further harden the virtualization offering of both libvirt (sVirt) and Docker through SELinux.

By the end of the book you will know how SELinux works and how you can tune it to meet your needs.

What You Will Learn

  • Analyze SELinux events and selectively enable or disable SELinux enforcement
  • Manage Linux users and associate them with the right role and permission set
  • Secure network communications through SELinux access controls
  • Tune the full service flexibility by dynamically assigning resource labels
  • Handle SELinux access patterns enforced through the system
  • Query the SELinux policy in depth


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