Saving Data on Android

Saving Data on Android
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Up to date for Kotlin 1.3

A book that will teach you to persist data on Android — saving locally or remotely — along with the modern techniques for synchronization, allowing your app to be reactive and always up-to-date.

Save Data on Android!

The persistence of data has always been a fundamental part of any application. Saving data locally or remotely with the modern techniques for synchronization allows your app to be always up-to-date, reactively presenting fresh data.

This book is for intermediate Kotlin or Android developers who want to know how to persist data using the standard Android APIs, the Room architecture component or what Google Firebase can offer.

Topics Covered in This Book

  • Persistence with Android SDK: Learn how to manage files, SharedPreferences or SQLite databases using the APIs the Android platform has to offer by default.
  • Using Room: Room is one of the most important Google Architecture Component. It allows managing entities and relations using classic Object-Oriented principles. In this book, you’ll learn everything you need to store data and run queries on top of it.
  • Manage relations with Room: A database has entities and relations. With this book, you’ll learn how to design your DB and how to manage relations eagerly and lazily.
  • Managing and testing Migrations: Every application evolves in time. Here you’ll learn how to manage migrations with Room and how to test them properly.
  • Firebase Realtime Database: If you want to manage data locally and in remote, you can use the tools provided by Google through the Firebase platform. With Firebase Realtime Database you can manage and keep in sync data in a very simple and efficient way.
  • Cloud Storage: Another option provided by Google is the Cloud Storage which allows you to leverage all the power of Google infrastructure to manage your data and run expensive queries.


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